About Lesson
Let’s write the code to get and set attribute on our DOM element. For this we can use a single function attr.
Here we pass in the attribute name and value to the method.
If the value is not passed, we treat it as the get/read method and returns the attribute value with the name.
If the value is passed as a parameter to this method, then we loop through each selection and set the new value as the attribute using the built it setAttribute method.
// get/set attribute
Q.fn.attr = function(name, value) {
if (!this[0]) return;
if (!value) {
return this[0].getAttribute(name);
return this.each(function (e) {
e.setAttribute(name, value);
Example => Step 15 -> Get/Set attributes
Let’s do a quick test of our code.
Q(() => {
test("Get Attributes", function() {
let attr = Q("li.task").attr("name");
assert(true, attr);
test("Set Attributes", function() {
let $li = Q("li.task");
$li.attr("status", "progress");
assert(true, $li.html());